
Training-Free Neural Matte Extraction for Visual Effects: Abstract and Introduction

6 Jul 2024

This study introduces a training-free high quality neural matte extraction approach that specifically targets the assumptions of visual effects production.


Training-Free Neural Matte Extraction for Visual Effects: Limitations and Conclusion

6 Jul 2024

This study introduces a training-free high quality neural matte extraction approach that specifically targets the assumptions of visual effects production.


Training-Free Neural Matte Extraction for Visual Effects: Method

6 Jul 2024

This study introduces a training-free high quality neural matte extraction approach that specifically targets the assumptions of visual effects production.


Training-Free Neural Matte Extraction for Visual Effects: Results and Failure Cases

6 Jul 2024

This study introduces a training-free high quality neural matte extraction approach that specifically targets the assumptions of visual effects production.


Training-Free Neural Matte Extraction for Visual Effects: Background and Related Work

6 Jul 2024

This study introduces a training-free high quality neural matte extraction approach that specifically targets the assumptions of visual effects production.


Video Scene Location Recognition Using AI: Conclusion and Future Research

26 Jun 2024

This study explores scene recognition in TV series using neural networks, tested on The Big Bang Theory, with various layers like LSTM and pooling methods.


Video Scene Location Recognition Using AI: Experiments

26 Jun 2024

This study explores scene recognition in TV series using neural networks, tested on The Big Bang Theory, with various layers like LSTM and pooling methods.


Video Scene Location Recognition Using AI: Methodology

26 Jun 2024

This study explores scene recognition in TV series using neural networks, tested on The Big Bang Theory, with various layers like LSTM and pooling methods.


Video Scene Location Recognition Using AI: ANN-Based Scene Classification

26 Jun 2024

This study explores scene recognition in TV series using neural networks, tested on The Big Bang Theory, with various layers like LSTM and pooling methods.